Welcome to this edition of Southern Cross Yachting Enews.

I read with interest an article that ‘scientists’ had recently discovered that people who have a hobby or interest live longer. Furthermore if that hobby or interest involves outdoor activity you should statistically live even longer. Now this is breakthrough stuff. In summary if you are more active you will live longer. Geniuses! So just who are these ‘scientists’ that the media regularly quote? The image that always springs to my mind is the people that you see in toothpaste commercials explaining how their brand has a new secret ingredient that wipes out plaque. This is an earnest young woman, hair bunned up on her head and wearing a white lab coat and dark rimmed glasses. She holds a folder with ‘clinical tests’ written on it which she taps to prove that clinical tests show it works. They then cut to a cartoon of the secret ingredient eating away the cartoon of the plaque of a cartoon set of teeth.

They really do think we are stupid.

The media bombard us daily with a story announcing to the world a great discovery by some faceless ‘scientists’ and, because we read it on Mr Murdoch’s website, it must be true. Normally I view these recent discoveries with some scepticism (aside from the clearly correct ones like red wine each day being good for you) but this news about the benefits of hobbies clearly has some merit.

Visit any stamp collecting meet, model train show or quilt making fair and you will see a general zeal for life that will keep the old dears alive for years. I once had cause (long story) to attend a gathering of beer can collectors. Yes it takes all types but as the cans they collect are all empty, many a lucky spouse of these guys will be inheriting these valuable collections at an early age. But I digress as usual.

The report went on to list examples of outdoor pursuits that lengthen life and included (among others) shooting, camping and sailing! Now if you like shooting and camping you should join the army. You get to do both. The article should simply have said ‘People who sail live longer’.

And they do. Sadly, I have attended several funerals of late of yacht club members who were in their eighties – having lived 20 years longer than their lifestyles would have suggested they should!

So if you want to live a long and happy life get sailing – clinical tests prove it.

Here at Southern Cross Yachting we can throw you a life line. A five day live aboard course has got to add at least another 10 years to your life. Luckily we have still one place available on our Easter course starting next Thursday 28 March 2013 and places available on our 5-day course 15 – 19 April 2013.

And speaking of Easter the start of the 65th Brisbane to Gladstone yacht race is only a week away.

I know that many of the Southern Cross Community are racing and I wish you all a safe and enjoyable race. I am sailing on Trevor Bailey’s magnificent Beneteau 45 but I do have some concerns about sailing into an industrial city, where every citizen is opposed to the government’s carbon tax,
on board a yacht called ‘Carbon Credits’. Our crew shirts might take some explaining in some of the less salubrious hotels of that fair city.

That’s all for this edition, until next time listen to those scientists.
Mike Job.

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