Welcome to this ‘Stop Press’ special edition of Southern Cross News!
We have a 5 day course next week and we just have secured the services of one of the greats of the sailing instructing world and we have two places still available. This legendary instructor is making a rare guest star appearance and this could be your last opportunity to learn from a true master. From Competent Crew through to Cruising instructor this person will share with you knowledge and skills acquired over a lifetime. A truly unforgettable week of yachting tuition awaits, and this will be a course that you will talk about for years to come. It is like getting the last ticket to the Rolling Stones last concert or being taught to bat by Don Bradman. Do not miss this once in a life time opportunity.
Not only will you visit some of the secret training grounds of Moreton Bay, you will leave the course with a wealth of knowledge, a new found confidence and literally hundreds of bad Jokes.
Yep it’s me! Only 2 places left and the course departs this coming Monday morning at 900 am.
See you then
Mike Job.
P.S The weather is looking good next week!